Start Your Day With the Best Cup of Drip Coffee
A perfect start to a perfect day starts with a cup of a nicely brewed cup of coffee. When it comes to making a cup of delish for themselves, everyone has different preferences. Some like it hot some like it cold, but some days there is nothing better than the classic cup of drip coffee. Here is how to make that perfect cup of caffeine that boosts every single cell in your body.
Clean Your Machine
Quite obvious, right? Sometimes, when you end up brewing bitter or icky coffee, that’s the calcium deposits inside the machine. This is why it’s important that you give your machine a thorough cleaning at least once a month. For that, clean by adding vinegar and water in 1:2 and then rinse it off with clean water.
Say No to Pre-Grounded Coffee
Never ever use pre-ground coffee if you want the best drip in your cup. In order to get the best filter coffee, it’s necessary that you only use the best quality coffee beans. This way you can get the most flavorsome sip as you leave for work.
Don’t Add Too Much Coffee
Although some people like their coffee way too strong, to get the best cup of drip coffee, caffeine lovers usually follow the rule of thumb, i.e., two tablespoons of coffee to every 16oz of water. Instead of making a mistake, remember one tablespoon of coffee is enough for your single cup.
Do Not Overheat
Brewing your coffee to the right temperature can make a huge difference in its taste. When it comes to drip coffee, you can’t just let it sit like a pour-over. In fact, you need to make sure that you turn off the heat as soon as your coffee is brewed and take it off to cool. In case your machine already has an insulated carafe, you have nothing to worry about.