The Wildest Hotel Dining Requests in History

Outlandish Guest Demands in Hotels

With luxury hotels, the level of service they provide and their focus on detail can be truly breathtaking. Patrons of these establishments are usually guaranteed top-notch rooms as well as delicious cuisines, but some people take extravagance to a whole new level with their outrageous food requests. Below are five of the most incredible dining demands ever witnessed in the luxury hotel industry.

The High-Flying Dessert Demand

The High-Flying Dessert Demand

At France’s legendary Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc, a guest wanted to savor a Tropezienne tart for dessert, a delicacy exclusive to St. Tropez, located nearly 60 miles from the hotel. Not willing to wait, the hotel went above and beyond, flying a concierge via helicopter to fetch the coveted treat.

A Soup Lover’s Dream

At the Mandarin Oriental New York, one VIP guest had an insatiable appetite for soup. During their three-day stay, the culinary team was tasked with preparing five different full-sized bowls of soup for the guest to sample each day. After trying a spoonful of each variety, the guest would make their selection for the day, and that particular soup would be finished. It’s safe to say they took their soup very seriously.

A Chef’s Journey to Paradise

For a lavish 50th birthday celebration at the Mandarin Oriental Canouan, guests went all out. They requested a celebrity chef to come to the island and prepare their meals. The chef was flown in via private plane and accommodated in a luxurious $10,000-per-night villa for four nights. The chef even had extravagant requests of their own, including imported cheeses and fresh berries from upstate New York.

Pursuit of Culinary Excellence

Pursuit of Culinary Excellence

At Brenners Park-Hotel & Spa in Germany, a guest had a hankering for a 250g can of rare white almas caviar. This delicacy was only available in Paris, which meant a 12-hour drive for a hotel team member to acquire it. Such dedication to fulfilling a guest’s request truly exemplifies commitment to providing exceptional service.