Make the Broiled Pineapple Toast Glazed With Hot Honey in Just 10 Minutes

If you are always looking out for healthy breakfast recipes to kick start your day, then this quick and easy toast recipe filled with loads of proteins is the perfect treat for you. There’s even a bonus for you — this toast only needs 10 minutes to prepare with very few ingredients. So, if you are a health freak who likes trying out new recipes or a pineapple-on-pizza lover, then you must try this unique dish out.


● 1 tablespoon olive oil

● 1/3rd cup filled with fresh pineapple bits

● 2 tablespoons of hot honey

● 3 tablespoons of cottage cheese

● Aleppo Pepper, for the added taste

● 1 toasted slice of your preferred bread or whole-grain bread

Directions to Use

Step 1- Place the oven rack on the highest level and turn on the broiler heat.

Step 2- While the broiler is getting heated, grease the baking sheet with some olive oil, and place the pineapple on the prepared sheet. Next, pour some hot honey on the pineapple and mix it up until the honey is coating the fruit completely.

Step 3- Align the mixture in a single line and broil it for about 2 minutes. Toss and broil it again for 2 minutes until they turn golden brown. Take a few more minutes if required.

Step 4- Load up the toast with cottage cheese, and top it off with the broiled pineapple. Dribble some more honey on the toast to make it yummylicious, and sprinkle the Aleppo pepper according to your taste.

Counting Calories

To understand how many calories and proteins you are consuming, keep on reading.
This toast recipe can fully count as a perfectly healthy meal that can serve one person. Per serving includes 264 calories, 7.5 grams of fat, 10-gram protein, 275 milligram of sodium, 41 grams of carbohydrates, 20 grams of sugar, and 4 grams of fiber.
Try it out, and share this recipe with your friends and family to keep them healthy as well.